rskibbe.UI.Dialogs – A base package for dialog infrastructure
What is rskibbe.UI.Dialogs? In my daily work as a freelance developer, I encounter a wide range of customer requirements, user stories, and …
What is rskibbe.UI.Dialogs? In my daily work as a freelance developer, I encounter a wide range of customer requirements, user stories, and …
What is rskibbe.Core.Composition? My NuGet package called „rskibbe.Core.Composition“ is about helping you build more complex objects easier. It provides a common infrastructure …
What is rskibbe.Encryption.Base64? As the name already suggests, it is a sub-package of the „rskibbe.Encryption“ infrastructure package implementing the Base64 encryption (encoding). …
What is rskibbe.Encryption? In software development you most likely want to create a clean and easy maintainable code base. With „rskibbe.Encryption“ you …
What is rskibbe.Validation? rskibbe.Validation is a free NuGet package for C# and Visual Basic .NET apps, helping you validate „things“ and providing …
What is this package about? rskibbe.IO.Ports is a simple package to extend SerialPort communication by adding some async helper methods. It will …
What is this package about? This package is trying to provide you the best and easiest helpers, to react to COM port …
What is rskibbe.I18n? rskibbe.I18n is an infrastructure package helping you translate „things“, trying to be as easy as possbile. If you want, …