rskibbe.UI.Screens – A base package for UI infrastructure
What is rskibbe.UI.Screens? In my daily work as a freelance developer, I encounter a wide range of customer requirements, user stories, and …
What is rskibbe.UI.Screens? In my daily work as a freelance developer, I encounter a wide range of customer requirements, user stories, and …
In short: You can access controls in .NET dynamically, by using the „Controls“ property of your parent container control, like for example …
Enumerating the applications open forms in C# & VB.NET Yesterday, I a client told me to develop a specific little functionality for …
What is rskibbe.I18n.Winforms? rskibbe.I18n.Winforms is a sub-package that helps you translate your Windows Forms apps easily. It extends the other rskibbe.I18n packages …
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