rskibbe.UI.Screens.Wpf – A common ground for WPF MVVM related UI infrastructure
What is rskibbe.UI.Screens.Wpf? This is a sub package for the base NuGet package extending the infrastructure provided by „rskibbe.UI.Screens„. This package is …
Here you can find all of my NuGet software packages available for download/usage in your projects. Make sure you read the documentation for your corresponding package, to get started quickly and to find out, why it’s maybe not working.
What is rskibbe.UI.Screens.Wpf? This is a sub package for the base NuGet package extending the infrastructure provided by „rskibbe.UI.Screens„. This package is …
What is rskibbe.UI.Screens? In my daily work as a freelance developer, I encounter a wide range of customer requirements, user stories, and …
What is rskibbe.Core.Composition? My NuGet package called „rskibbe.Core.Composition“ is about helping you build more complex objects easier. It provides a common infrastructure …
What is rskibbe.Encryption.Base64? As the name already suggests, it is a sub-package of the „rskibbe.Encryption“ infrastructure package implementing the Base64 encryption (encoding). …
What is rskibbe.Encryption? In software development you most likely want to create a clean and easy maintainable code base. With „rskibbe.Encryption“ you …
What is rskibbe.Validation? rskibbe.Validation is a free NuGet package for C# and Visual Basic .NET apps, helping you validate „things“ and providing …
What is this package about? rskibbe.IO.Ports is a simple package to extend SerialPort communication by adding some async helper methods. It will …
What is rskibbe.I18n.Winforms? rskibbe.I18n.Winforms is a sub-package that helps you translate your Windows Forms apps easily. It extends the other rskibbe.I18n packages …
What is rskibbe.I18n.Ini? rskibbe.I18n.Ini is a sub-package for the rskibbe.I18n helping you by providing basic implementations for INI file based translations. Creating …
What is rskibbe.I18n.Json? This is a sub-package of rskibbe.I18n to provide you with basic implementations for JSON file based translations. Now, go …