Do you also make the typical mistakes when programming with VB.NET?
Or do you also feel somehow "unfinished" despite books & courses?
Maybe you're just starting out with programming?
Then you are like many of my former students and my...

Lessons in Visual Basic .NET

are the right thing for you!

πŸ‘‹ Hey!

I am Robert Skibbe,

software developer

and lecturer.

I have been developing professional software for over 15 years.
With .NET, i.e. Visual Basic & C#,
and on the web, with PHP, JavaScript and similar.
I would be happy to support you as a mentor in being able to program VB.NET properly as well, because...

"it works"...

is not necessarily
But this is exactly what modern and above all professional code should be!

Here are some typical mistakes.

Declaration of "Things"

Deklarations do not follow the usual conventions, are type-unsafe and use the wrong keyword ... and much more.

	Public Class Form1

	 ' please absolutely not
   ❌ Dim Address

	 ' bad
	 ❌ Dim Age As Integer

	 ' not so good either
	 ❌ Dim name As String

	End Class

Forms are placed badly

Are often simply put into the "root" like everything else.
' ❌ please not there
	Public Class Form1

	  ' more code...

	End Class


Are almost always poorly displayed by beginners
Public Class Form1

		Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
		    ' this is not the way to display a Form
			❌	Form2.Show()
		End Sub

	End Class


Are rarely well / purposefully chosen
Public Sub LoadData()
    Dim connection = New Connection()
    ' pointless comment
    ' ❌ opens the connection
End Sub


Are almost always used incorrectly and badly.
Public Module Module1

    ' horrible
    ❌ Public API_URL = ""

    ' please don't
    Public Sub DoSomething()
    End Sub

End Module
and much, much more...

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